Trust Establishment Year: 12/02/2015
Trust to apply the some for the benefit of the society in general and poor and weaker sections of the society in particular for improvement in their social, economic, cultural and health condition and their educational development and also for the advancement of any other object of their general utility (not involving the carrying on of any activity for profit) within the territory of India for charitable purposes.
1) The spread or promotion of social and education or learning in all its branches, in such Manner as the TRUSTEES MAY think fit including.
(ii) Establishment and/or acquisition and Maintenance or support of CBSE. /ICSE. Schools, Engineering, Medical and Para Medical colleges, vidyapith, Balmandir study centers, universities and professional Training centers and other institutions for imparting education and training 1 to students.
(iii) Establishment and support of professor-ships and prizes at school, colleges or other Education, Institution.
(iv) Establishment and maintenance of Hostels and/ of boarding, Houses and grant of free bearing and lodging to poor and deserving students upon such terms and for such as the trustees may think fit.
(v) Establishment and maintenance of any support of naturopathy and yoga, Health-center and similar institutions for the education of the same.
(vi) Grant or Endowments at universities, Research institution and other Education and scientific institution for spread of Education and knowledge in all or any branches.
(vii) To organize seminars workshops on scientific views, awareness and control.
(viii) Establishment and maintenance of sports centers and providing education and training to sports of all types.
(ix) Establishment maintenance and support of libraries, reading, rooms, and auditoriums for advancement of education and knowledge in general and for rural people.
(x) Establishment of training centers for the development of drama, art, dance, painting, fine art and magic shows.
(xi) To establish a working relationship with the government to assist in the programmers run by them like child Development programmers, Non-formal Education, Adult Education, TRYSEM. DWCRA, etc.
(xiii) To help, aid, assist, undertake, establish and maintain schools including public schools for girls and boys for the purpose of imparting modern & meaningful educationrn to them and also to establish and administer, collages for imparting general, physical, Mental, Moral Education to the needy and deserving youths of the education to the educationally backward section of India for advancement of their Education, Culture, Language, Arts, Science, Health and to assist and provide financial assistance to the poor and needy people for any other causes of their general utility
(xiv) Education in health, hygiene and sanitation especially in the rural areas.
(xv) To set-up education institution, informal education, management colleges, colleges for technical education and other professional educational colleges.